The Fine Print
May buy 1 for yourself and 6 additional as gifts. Option A) Requires 2-6 vouchers; DIY Handmade Rings may put singles in vacancies up to 4 people. Option B) Valid for couples only. Option C) Valid for one person. Option D) two couples may attend with 2 vouchers present. Gemstones not included. Appointments required and subject to availability. Merchant cancellation/re-scheduling policy of 7 days applies; voucher subject to forfeiture. Must use entire value in 1 visit.
Expires 4 months after purchase. See the terms that apply to all deals.
Four Options Available
- Option A) $75 for an Up-to-3-Hour Girls' Night Out Session ($100 Value)
- Option B) $150 for an Up-to-3-Hour Wedding Band Couples' Class ($200 Value)
- Option C) $175 for an Up-to-3-Hour Engagement/Promise Ring Class ($225 Value)
- Option D) $175 for an Up-to-3-Hour Date/Couples Ring Class ($225 Value)
Options B & C don't include metals. Options A & D include basic silver, bronze, and copper.