The Fine Print
May buy 1 for yourself and 5 additional as gifts. May use 1 per person.
Valid only 5/28/16 - 6/24/16 and 8/14/16 - 9/10/16. Must use entire value in 1 visit. Valid only for option purchased. Online reservation required; recommended 7-days in advance. Trips launch at 9:30 am, 12 pm, and 2:30 pm. Must be 6 years or older. Must sign online waiver. Wetsuits are available for rent.
Valid through: Sep 10, 2016. See the terms that apply to all deals.
What's Included
- $47 for The Classic 8-Mile Snake River Whitewater for One ($79 Value)
Enjoy an exciting whitewater trip down the scenic Snake River guided by Mad River Boat Trips. Whether you take your trip in early spring or late summer, the views and experience will be spectacular. Click here to see videos from Mad River's VIMEO account.